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Our Story!

If you’ll have read my last blog and are following me on social media, you know Prashant and I had an arranged marriage! I am also certain that you’re tired of hearing that time and again. So, here I am to give you an insight into our journey.

From, complete strangers to getting engaged and finally getting married. It’s been a roller coaster! I’ll be narrating the story from my perspective and if you ever happen to meet Prashant, you could proabably coax him to tell the story from his own perspective which, by the way, have numerous versions since he can’t decide on one moment.

I vividly remember Prashant’s response when I asked him, why exactly did he choose arranged marriage? He immediately replied saying that, ‘agar facility hai to uska use karna chahiye na’! I think I should have figured then itself, that he’d be utterly lazy. hahah! Prashant was a shy and coy guy, when we started talking. He did have a lot of travel stories though. Initially, i’d look forward to his calls only to hear him narrate one of his travel experiences. I was impressed because half of my travel plans had been ruined by OCD, sadly.

Since, both of us had always known why exactly we started talking we decided to take it one day at a time. Ideally, we would have met first but the pandemic and the restrictions didn’t quite permit us to. So, phone calls continued to be our saviour until we met!

The first time we met, both of us were slightly nervous. To be honest, and I speak on behalf of both of us, there were no butterflies. It just felt normal after a while. For me particularly, that feeling stayed. The sense of comfort and normalcy in being with another and being around each other.

We continued talking which involved a couple of arguments and fights but we got past it. It’s only after the wedding that we admitted to having our share of doubts about ‘us’.

Prashant is a free-spirited guy for whom romance has always been synonymous with food!! But, that didn’t stop him from sending over a bouqet of 101 roses when we had our first fight. I must admit, I was floored because it came from a person who I had least expected it from! hahaha! ironical, right? Also, he had been significantly patient during our coutrship period! I wonder what chnaged after marriage!? hahaha!

We did have that one intense conversation where we talked about how life would be ‘if’ we ended up together. From having a few common goals to having distinctive personalities; One thing lead to another and we decided to tie the knot!

I am guessing most of you thought that ‘our story’ would be remarkable! In that case, you must be slightly disappointed. But, we aren’t and that’s what matters, right?

There was a point of time when I had hoped I would have the most extraordinary love story. But then, the extraordinary ones don’t come with a time-span.

Our story has just begun. The love continues to grow and there are some magical moments, here and there.

I look forward to shaping this ordinary story into an extraordinary one!

This moment is from when Prashant saw me as bride!

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