A question that fascinated me until I got married! haha.
Sitting on the sofa and writing this, after I’ve prepared a meal, gotten some chores done for the day and completed considerable amount of work.
Each day as I enter the kitchen to prepare a meal, it reminds me of the infinite times I was served food on the table as it is. When I wake up to prepare a glass of milk for myself, it reminds me of how every day, without fail it would be kept on the bedside, perfectly warm, all ready to be gulped down. Each evening as I prepare a glass of cold coffee for myself, I am reminded of the innumebrable evenings when mom would be standing with two cups, for me and my younger brothers, as the clock struck 5!
I’ve come to realise that initially in a marriage, a large part of your day goes into doing things in your new home while simultaneosuly recalling with every action how it was done at home. It takes time, patience and strength. Sometimes, all at once.
My very first morning in Mumbai was absolutely distinct from all the other mornings of my life. My mother-in-law greeted me with a warm smile. I was embarassed about waking up at 8.00am, something that would have been a moment of celebration back home. haha! Suddenly, I felt the urge to go back to my room and speak to everyone at home. Just to hear those familiar voices that had always been the first thing i’d hear in the morning, for the past 27 years.
As you start to settle down in your new home and most importantly, as things work out in your heart and mind, you begin waking up with a smile. You realise, this is what your mom would’ve probably done.
Today, as I’ve been married for a couple of months, Mumbai has started to grow on me. I wake up at 7.30 instead! haha. My mother-in-law and I share hearty laughs and in moments like these we bond. Prashant and I, are still figuring each other out. He still can’t believe someone can be so particular about cleanliness! My sister-in-law and I share a unique partnership in the kitchen and over outfits as well!
On some days, it still feels new and different but I believe, that’s life. Now, I don’t compare things with how they used to be. I have accepted the fact that, ‘this’ is a new phase. It will have it’s own ups and downs and this journey too will be just as beautiful. With all the little nuances and memories that are stored in my heart, It’s time to embrace the change.
MissWhimsical has always been about styling clothes, dressing up and reinventing one’s wardrobe. But, it has also been a reflection of who I am. As married life marks a new beginning for me, MrsWhimsical (haha!),intends to share parts of the journey with you all as well. So, it’s going to be an amalgamention of feelings, emotions and clothes, of course! ❤
Picture credits- https://www.loveshootrepeat.com