It’s been fifteen days since I last posted on my blog. In the last fifteen days, Prashant and I have spent more time together than in the past (almost) eight months of our marriage. It feels like, we are finally beginning to get to know each other. We stepped out of the home, first time in months for a dinner. It was surreal, to an extent that I was uncomfortable at first.
Prashant and I have found comfort in the confines of our home. We are used to finding each other on our respective sides of our bed. I know what his ‘sleeping face’ looks like. But, when we stepped out for dinner that evening, it felt like we were discovering each other in a whole new spectrum. I suppose, this is one of the things about arranged marriages- even the most mundane tasks feel new when you share them with another person.
Sometimes, I still cannot fathom that I got married. When I walk into our room and find him lying on the bed, for a few moments it feels so new and overwhelming. On the other hand, to be able to strike an undertsanding with someone who you’ve been living with only eight months can feel like a huge feat. Believe me!
I often wonder, if all couples have moments when everything seems perfect and then there are days when spending time with the very same person feels like a task. Some of you might think, it’s too soon to feel this way. However, I’d beg to differ because no two days can feel the same. That’s what got reinstated in the past fifteen days for me.
I know this particular blog seems vague and half-hearted in a way but that’s because I am just having a bad day. I am sure that was easy to guess. I didn’t want a day like this to come in my way of writing a blog. I had, as it is been procrastinating for the past couple of days. However, this marks as a small feat for me because I managed to overcome it in my own little way.
Thank You for reading it. Thank you for sticking around.
I’ll see you around and soon! ❤